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2024-06-19 04:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


近日,建文软件受阿联酋阿布扎比哈里发港二期委托,阿布扎比当局核准,获得进港实施权,倾力支持 “海上丝绸之路”的“大数据+”建设,为祖国走入深蓝、布局海洋贡献自己的技术和力量。

Recently, under the commission ofthe second phase of Abu Dhabi Khalifa Port and the approval by the authorities, Justwin software obtained the arrive port implement rights. The company devoted to support the construction of Silk Road Economic Belt and Big Data and contributed technology and power to the project of step into deep blue, layout the ocean of China.


Abu Dhabi Khalifa port possesses a strategic location. It is the secret naval base of the United Arab Emirates, an important point of the Silk Road Economic Belt on the Belt and Road. The successful implementation of Justwin software in the construction Khalifa port, effectively practice the national strategy of " Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road ".

驻阿联酋阿布扎比哈里发港项目部,作为推动四边协同,整合五方资源的枢纽方,充分发挥了自身平台优势,深入港口临水现场,采用多场次沙盘推演会议,专题答疑会、专项咨询会、复盘工作会以及MANAGER Position一对一的实操训练等方式强化技能培训与理念交流。做到了流程到哪里,建文工程师跟到哪里;数据在哪里,建文工程师出现在哪里;人、数据合一;全方位、多层次、宽领域无缝对接港口现场,获得了驻场中阿各方的积极评价,有效搭建了与阿联酋方的蓝色伙伴关系。

In the Abu Dhabi Khalifa port project department, as a party of the junction to promote the four departments to work together, integrate resources of the five departments, Justwin software fully taked advantage of the own platform, deeply stepped into the port site, employed Sandbox conference sessions, hold question seminar, consult seminar, replay meeting and MANAGER Position one-on-one ,etc., to strength the skill training and exchange of idea.

Where there is the process, where there is the Justwin engineer. Where there is the data, where there is the Justwin engineer. It is true that the integration of human and data; all-round, multi-level and wide-ranging seamless docking port site, received a positive evaluation from the both sides of China and Arab parties, effectively build a blue partnership with the United Arab Emirates.

本次由建文软件主导设计的“互联网+港口”、“云计算+码头”、“大数据+集装箱”,涉及到的应用方,包括:阿联酋政府方(Abu Dhabi Port Bureau)、投资方(COSCO)、运营方(COSCO SHIPPING LINES)、监理方(CH2M&THCC)、施工方(CHEC)和IT研发方(Justwin),是真正的国际多方协作平台。

The software designed by Justwin adopted the ideas of "Internet + Port", "Cloud computing + Dork", "big data + container. The users including Abu Dhabi Port Bureau, investors (COSCO), operator (COSCO SHIPPING LINES), supervisor (CH2M&THCC) and construction company (CHEC). It is the international multiparty collaboration platform indeed.


The following projects of Spain Valencia Port, Belgium Zeebrugge Port, Italy Vado Ligure Port and US Peru Port are to be proceed in the next stage of work. Justwin will positive response to the national strategy of the Belt and Road and realize the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Belt and Road. On the base of win-win cooperation, Justwin will offer IT support for all the countries along the line and try every means to build the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road.






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